“Aruna Holland HPS lamps tested with roses: Better quality and long lifetime”
22 September 2017
Category: Flowers
It is not the first time that a new brand enters the market of High Pressure Sodium lamps. “Obviously, with all the prior experience we have, we were quite critical when we started, however, we become more and more enthusiastic”, says rose grower Frans van Os, owner of BN Roses from De Lier. His company is testing the new 1000 watt high pressure sodium lamps from Aruna Holland. By now, the lamps are already 5000 hours used and are still performing very well. The lamps have been continuously monitored in the lab of lighting supplier Hortilux in Monster.
Van Os: “We encourage that there is more than 1 supplier of lamps on the market. This improves the innovation and suppliers will be more critical to their performance. Yet, above all, a second supplier gives me the possibility to choose when we need to invest in lamps. For this reason, we have been providing Aruna the possibility to test lamps in our greenhouse since 2014.”
“Today, the most important source of light – and heat – is the high pressure sodium lamp”, says Jeroen van Velzen, manager of Aruna. “With the technology that we developed, the initial failure rate of the lamps is much lower than normally today, while lifetime and light output is equal to the best competitor. And all this at low cost. The tests that we are doing at various rose growers proof that our lamps meet the customers demand on lifetime.”
Aruna Lighting from Breda started 5 years ago with the development of an improved high pressure sodium lamp. “Traditional sodium lighting is an important component in lighting installations, especially when the greenhouse climate is considered”, says Van Velzen. He is referring to the radiated heat from high pressure sodium lamps. Aruna’s team has decades of experience in the development and improvement of product design and production processes of high pressure sodium lamps. “Although the technology of High Pressure Sodium lamps exists already a long time in the market, we still find possibilities to improve this lamp, like now with the lower initial failure rate”.
“The most important features of HPS lamps are the light output and the lifetime of the lamps. And both look very well so far. We will obviously continue testing, and we may even expand the tests. If the lamps keep the good performance they show so far, we will definitely have choice next year when we need to replace our lamps”, concludes Van Os.
Besides BN Roses, also Scholtes Roses from Kwintsheul is testing the lamps of Aruna, in cooperation with Hortilux. That test is also doing well and with similar positive results as at BN Roses.
Frans van Os is growing roses for more than 30 years in his company BN Roses from De Lier. On rockwool substrate and fully automated, they grow Red Naomi. The company works environment friendly through the use of a modern robot and with a minimum of biological additives, maximum results are achieved. Apart from growing roses, the company is also famous for its ‘automated flower kiosk’ that is open for customers 24/7 selling fresh roses any time of the day, anytime of the year.
Aruna Holland is a brand of Aruna Lighting from Breda, supplier of high quality lighting, with a reliable and warranted performance. A team of Dutch technicians that have decades of experience in High Pressure Sodium lamps does the product design. Costs are kept low through low cost production with local strict control on quality.
Source: FloralDaily.com